Friday, November 12, 2010
Tantalizing Tablescapes

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Book Review: Words That Matter

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Simply A Few of My Favorite Things
I have a thing for color. It's mostly because my dear husband insists that we keep the walls neutral to appeal to the next buyer of our home. (That's another story that we can talk about some other time!) As a result, I'm very big on finding other ways to add color to a rather uninspiring palette. For me, pillows really do the trick. Feast your eyes of this unusual delight. It's made from 100% upcycled necktie fabric hand-stitched into the intriguing miniature dome you see here by Dream Weaver.
I'm also the girl who loves her bags. I've been searching for a tote but it had to be something fun. At last, I found it at Boden's http://www.bodenusa.com/. I've been carrying around the Winter Boden catalog for weeks now. I glance through it all the time! What can I say, it makes me happy. They have lots a great bags but this is the one I have to have! My only dilemma is deciding which color to go with. Which one do you like?
Just imagine this light source in your kitchen or breakfast nook. These are just spectacular when all three are used together. With Anthropolgie http://www.anthropologie.com/, there could never be a dull moment in your home again. Alice In Wonderland certainly missed out on this one! What do you think? Would you ever use these in your home?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
A Passion for Pink

I love pink, but if pink isn't your thing, there's a host of other spectacular colors to choose from. Happy shopping! I'm off to do a little shopping myself for a home I'm decorating for the upcoming Hearth & Home Tour fundraiser for my daughter's school. I'll tell you more about that later.
If you need help with adding color to your space, visit my website today..